General Information 2025


SHORTS – Black shorts are provided by the league and are mandatory for all games

SOCKS – Socks are provided by the league and are mandatory for all games

HELMETS – Must be CSA approved, full face protection, with a securing chin strap.

GLOVES – Hockey Gloves are required.  Lacrosse / Broomball gloves are not permitted

SHOES – Running shoes for players, Goalies however may wear shoes offering more protection

STICKS – Sticks must either be wood or composite.  No Plastic screw on blades are permitted

ATHLETIC SUPPORT / JILL  – Must be worn for all games

SHIN PADS – Soccer style shin pads are mandatory in order to participate in any OBHA event.

                       – They must, however, be covered by socks provided by the league

GOALIES – Goalies must wear full legal equipment with CSA approved Helmet with face mask

                       ( Oshawa ball hockey has equipment available for use )

 ELBOW PADS – Elbow pads are recommended to be worn


Oshawa Ball Hockey League operates on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday nights at Harman Park Arena and or Donovon Arena.  Depending on the age of the participant they could play anywhere from 5pm – 10pm. The Tyke/ Novice divisions play @ (5pm / 6pm north pad) or @ (5:30pm & 6:30pm south pad)  with all other divisions playing anywhere from 7pm to 10pm north pad or (7:30pm to 10:30pm.) on south pad.